Well I started this blog when the Marines moved myself, husband and son to Okinawa, Japan in 2010 to track our journey thru my love of photography. However, I kind of lost track and had yet even made one post. In a photo group I'm part of on Facebook, people were talking about blogs and how it's important so you can track your progress as a person and a photographer.
My journey started when I took a film class at a local community collage. I wasn't into digital photography until my husband bought me a Canon Powershot S5 IS. I loved that camera but grew out of it fairly fast and upgraded to what I have now, a Canon Rebel xsi. I have reached my limits with this one so fingers crossed for an upgrade in the near future ;)
First photo taken with my 1st DSLR~Naturally it's of a bug LOL
Well, I have a lot of catching up to do so bare with me and enjoy the ride :)